The award, which is typically presented at the Alumni Reunion Banquet in the summer, is not necessarily conferred each year. More than one individual can be honored. The award is open to any alumnus or alumna, both clerical and lay.

See the list of our current and past recipients here.

Saint Meinrad’s Distinguished Alumnus Award is conferred using these criteria:

  • A nominee will have attended Saint Meinrad for a minimum of the equivalent of one academic year and left in good standing.
  • A nominee will be an actively practicing Catholic in good standing within the Roman Catholic Church as documented by a letter from the nominee’s bishop, religious superior, or pastor.
  • A nominee has, and continues to, witness to Gospel values in life and work as documented by letters of support from Saint Meinrad alumni who can reference (among other things): their personal and/or professional interactions with the nominee; awards and accolades the nominee has received; Church and civic honors bestowed on the nominee; etc.
  • A nominee will have provided an exemplary life of service which also reflects and upholds the core values and mission of Saint Meinrad.
  • A nominee will have demonstrated ongoing engagement with Saint Meinrad during his or her ministry and/or career.
  • Nominations of individuals must be made on an annual basis. Any nominee for the award will be considered for the Award only from that year’s pool of nominees. If a nominator so chooses, he or she can again submit the name of a candidate (with supporting materials) to be considered for inclusion in another year’s pool of nominees for the Award.
  • No “self-nominations” will be considered.
  • The focus of the Award is on living alumni but may, from time to time, be conferred posthumously.
  • It is preferred that the candidate has had an active role in the life and programs of Saint Meinrad.

Nominations will open at the annual alumni reunion and must be postmarked or submitted electronically by August 30. Nominations of individuals must be made annually. Any nominees for the award will be considered only from that year’s pool of nominations. If a nominator so chooses, he or she can resubmit the name and any supporting materials for a candidate on an annual basis.

Two essential items are needed for a credible submission. They include:

  1. A letter from the nominee’s pastor, religious superior or bishop stating the nominee is in good standing with the Catholic Church.
  2. Any additional supporting documents on behalf of the alumnus, which might include but are not limited to: curriculum vitae, documentation of awards or accolades received, church and civic honors, news articles about the alumnus, letters of support, etc.

Submissions may be made via postal mail, online at the form below, or by email at with your name, the name of the person you’re nominating and the documents listed above. Some documents, such as letters of support, may be sent directly to the Alumni Office by the individual composing the document.

Postal Address: 
Alumni Office
200 Hill Drive
St. Meinrad, IN 47577

A committee of the Alumni Board of Directors reviews the nominations and makes recommendations to the full Alumni Board. The final determination will be made by the full Alumni Board, generally at its fall meeting, and then submitted to the Seminary and School of Theology administration for final approval.

If you have questions or need help with the submission process, please do not hesitate to contact the Alumni Office at or by calling 800-682-0988.

For more details, see the complete Distinguished Alumnus Award document here.

Revised: June 11, 2024

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