Date of death: 12/29/2024

Saint Meinrad Class: S 1996

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Sister Jane Kehoe Hassett, who passed away on December 29, 2024, at Nazareth Living Center in St. Louis. She was 96 years of age.

Sister Jane was born on January 3, 1928, in St. Louis, to parents Henry Anthony and Jeanette (Kehoe) Hassett. She entered the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in 1951 and was received into the novitiate in 1952 as Sister Mary Barat. She received a bachelor’s degree in history from Maryville College (now University) in 1949; a master’s degree in history from St. Louis University in 1960; and a doctorate in history from St. Louis University in 1967.

Sister Jane spent most of her ministry in education. She began teaching at Rosati-Kain High School in St. Louis in 1954. She then taught at St. Teresa’s Academy in Kansas City (1954-1955) and Reicher High School in Waco, Texas (1955-1956). She taught at the grade school level for the next few years at St. Gregory in St. Ann, Missouri (1956-1958) and St. Agnes in St. Louis (1958-1960).

In 1960, Sister Jane taught at Fontbonne College (now University) for the second semester. She went on to teach at Bishop Baraga High School in Marquette, Michigan, until 1962.

For the next five years, Sister Jane remained in the classroom, but as a student. She had the opportunity to spend a year in Paris, France, doing research for her dissertation before attending St. Louis University to receive her doctorate. She then worked for the Office of Education in Washington D.C. for a year.

Sister Jane was named president of Fontbonne College (now University) in 1972 and served in the position for 13 years.

She continued to serve in leadership roles as the executive director for the Sisters Energy Conservation Programs (1986-1990) and as administrator of Our Lady of Life Apartments (1991-1996), both in St. Louis.

Sister Jane returned to Fontbonne University in 1997 and served in the Advancement Office as records researcher, writer and archivist.

She retired in 2012 and began serving her CSJ community as a volunteer archivist at Nazareth Living Center from 2014 to 2019. Sister Jane moved to Nazareth Living Center in 2019 and carried out her mission of pray and presence until her passing.

Sister Jane was recognized for her accomplishments in education and received the following honors in the early 1980s: Woman of Achievement Award – Education from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat (1981), named Clayton’s Woman of the Year in by the Mayor of Clayton, Missouri (1982) and Woman of Achievement Award by St. Louis Globe-Democrat (1983).

She was also the author of two books on Fontbonne University history: As Strong as the Granite (2000) and A Decade of Growth (2010).