Date of death: 6/7/2007
Saint Meinrad Class: O 1953
Fr. Vrabely was born Aug. 12, 1928, in Whiting, Ind., to Stephen and Julia (Balog) Vrabely, coming to LaPorte from Hammond.Fr. Vrabely was an educator and Catholic priest. He was a member of St. Peter Catholic Church. He attended Saint Meinrad College and School of Theology at St. Meinrad, Ind., and graduated from Saint Meinrad Seminary with his twin brother, Fr. John Vrabely, in 1953. He was ordained into the priesthood on May 1, 1953. In 1959, he completed graduate studies at DePaul University in Chicago; and in 1962 he did graduate work in Rome, Italy.His parochial appointments included: 1953, assistant at Holy Trinity (Hungarian) in East Chicago, Ind.; 1955, instructor at Bishop Noll High School, Hammond, becoming assistant vocational director in 1957 and the vocational director in 1960; 1959, in residence at Holy Trinity (Hungarian); 1960, chaplain for the Carmelite Home for Boys, Hammond; 1963, assistant at St. Luke’s, Gary; 1964, rector of the Minor Seminary at Bishop Noll High School; 1965, chaplain for Carmelite Home for Girls, East Chicago; 1966, rector of All Saints Minor Seminary, East Chicago; 1968, administrator of St. Emeric Parish, Gary; 1969, director of Bishop Noll Institute, Gary; 1969, residence at St. Mary, East Chicago; 1971, residence at St. Margaret Mary, Hammond; and 1972-1976, principal at Bishop Noll Institute.From 1976 to 2006, he was pastor of St. Peter Catholic Church in LaPorte. On July 1, 2006, he was appointed senior priest. His Diocesan appointments were, on Aug. 11, 1963, Diocesan director of vocations and spiritual director at Bishop Noll Institute.Surviving are his aunt, Elizabeth Santy of Whiting; four nieces, Julie Parker, Agnes and Laura Lasics, and Jean Lasics-Wessels; two great-nieces; one great-nephew; and his brother-in-law, John Lasics of East Chicago.He was preceded in death by his parents; two sisters, Sister Elizabeth Clare Vrabely and Mary Therese Lasics; and two brothers, Fr. John and Fr. Stephen.Memorial contributions may be made to Another Christ Burse, 9292 Broadway, Merrillville, IN 46410-7088; St. Peter Catholic Church Renovation Fund, 1104 Monroe St., La Porte, IN 46350; or to the charity of the donor’s choice.Information obatined from the Herald-Argus online,